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How To : 당신의 새끼 고양이가 집을 씹어 먹는 것을 그만 두십시오.

 다니엘에 의해 2014 년 6 월 24 일 |
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Many kitten owners have found their new fuzzy family member loves to chew just as much as a puppy. Unfortunately cats seem drawn to sinking their teeth into things like electrical wires, houseplants and other household items which is not only frustrating to owners but can be dangerous for kittens – especially when live wires catch their attention!
So how do you stop your kitten from chewing everything in sight?
첫 번째 단계는 왜 새끼 고양이가 씹고 있는지 확인하는 것입니다. 보통, 그것은 그들이 치아를 낳기 때문입니다. 강아지와 인간의 아기가 치아가 잇몸 밖으로 밀려 나기 시작하면 입이 민감 해집니다. 씹는 것은 이러한 불편 함을 해결하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 따라서 새 모피 왕국의 친구가 장난 꾸러기가 아니라 통증을 느낄 수 있으므로 염두에 두어야합니다.
Generally adult teeth in cats start erupting when they are aged between 4 and 6 months and fully replace the milk teeth by 10 months by which point chewing should subsist.
In some cases chewing can be caused by other factors, which owner’s should also consider. Kittens and cats can chew due to stress and boredom as well more serious conditions such as a lack of vital minerals or vitamins. 

If your new kitty is teething there are a number of solutions to help prevent your house being shredded by tiny kitten teeth.
Kittens can be discouraged from gnawing on furniture and cables by coating them in unpleasant tasting solutions. These can be bought in stores – bitter apple spray is very popular – or made at home by mixing spicy substances like cayenne pepper with water. 

Covering electrical cords in tin foil can also discourage kittens from chewing them, as they dislike the metallic taste in their mouth (though beware, some kittens can enjoy the crackling sound).
Using double sided tape in favourite chew areas is another option, as cats normally recoil in horror from things that are sticky.  
It is important to provide an alternative for teething kittens to chew once you have hunted them away from their favourite chew spots so they can relieve their discomfort. Cat chew toys are a good option, as are plants just for them to nibble on like lemongrass, catnip and cat grass.

If boredom is the cause, the solution is lots of play and new toys to keep your cat mentally engaged.
If you suspect a more serious underlying condition, a trip to the vet may be in order, where they may be put on a course of supplements. 



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